8C1C98 | 8F3300 | 93868D | A06136 | C03C00 | DB9154 | E5BA87 | FF96FF |
@Aubélia: Thank you Aubélia.
@Tinx: Thanks Tinx.
@Phil: Thanks Phil.
@Julie L. Brown: Thanks Julie. The softer coloring is due to it be cloudy, and came straight from the cam.
@Willem: Thanks Willem.
@Tede: Thank you Tede.
@omid: Much appreciated Omid.
@Bruce: Thank you Bruce.
@Carol: Hi Carol. The bokeh is from the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro, which is always smooth when open. As for getting shots with their wings open, I find it difficult too... the trick is to have patience, and click a lot. ;-) Oh yeah, they love these butterfly bush's. The species is Buddleia, and can be found in purple or red/yellow, and are perennial. This is the first one I've had success with personally, and tried for years. I think I finally found a place with proper drainage, since it doesn't require great deals of water. Hope you find one. Thanks!
@Baldwin VW: Thanks Baldwin, glad you like it.
@Monique: Thanks again Monique. I've been fortunate to have lots of opportunities shooting these guys this year, and only posted a small number of shots I've gotten. But I liked the background colors of this one.
@Anca: Thank you Anca.
This image has been featured in 2 Remix collections.
1/1000 second
ISO 800
100 mm